We've been lucky over the last couple of years having one or another of our sons home. Well one of them has been in South America for nearly a year and the other has just gone to England! We've also had a young local lad helping us at times too, and now that we don't get too many backpackers coming this way any more (thanks to the Governments 2nd year visa changes) we have decided to find someone who wants to be part of our growing business.
I've long been a fan of Joel Salatin and his concept of getting young people into the farming industry. So we have decided to advertise and hopefully find ourselves a young wannabe farmer. We want someone who is as passionate about healthy living as we are, and would like to really get involved in a sustainable lifestyle and regenerative farm. The first twelve months will be like an apprenticeship, but we really hope that the successful person will want to hang around and help us grow the business. All going well, there will be an opportunity for that person to have some ownership within our current business model.
The position will be called a Farmhand and will be paid under the Pastoral Award. If you or someone else you know is interested in this position, please email me for an application package, or pop over and have a little look at our internship website as it gives a little more information about us and the farm.
Click HERE for a link to the website. OR my email is: dawsonvalleyfr@bigpond.com
Who wouldn't want to work with something as cute as these piggies....