Dawson Valley Free Range

Dawson Valley Free Range

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Locavore Living

Over on my other blog healthyfarminghealthyfood.blogspot.com.au I've been writing about being a locavore. Head over there and read more about my locavore living experiences there. We had a locavore party at our farm last weekend and all the main ingredients were local, including a pig on the spit.

We want people to support us, and even though I've always been interested in a local food industry, I've become even more passionate about supporting, not only local farmers, but local businesses as well. I love the fact that I go to the markets every two weeks (approximately)and can pick up all my vegetables there at the same time. I do buy some non-local produce, but that is mostly onions and potatoes and other "treat" type fruits and veg that I can't get locally.

I will be at the Yeppoon and Rockhampton markets this weekend coming - 2nd and 3rd of April, so come along and support us, as well as some of the other great local farmers and those other stalls that make local "things" - soaps, candles, food, relishes and jams etc etc.......

We will have pork, bacon and ham available - plenty of it this weekend! There will be a little bit of beef that will be discounted, and unfortunately no goats! With Easter being in the middle of the two markets, there wasn't an opportunity to get beef or goats processed for this market. We will have everything next market. Next market will also be the Gladstone delivery weekend, so Gladstone customers, please get your orders in as soon as possible to make my planning easier.

Cheers for now,

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Reminder of Markets

Just a reminder that I'll be delivering to Gladstone next weekend - 19th March. Meeting place will be Puma Service Station, between 2 and 3pm. If this time doesn't suit, please contact me and see if we can arrange something else.

Yeppoon Community Markets will be Saturday the 19th March and Rockhampton Kern Arcade Carpark markets on Sunday the 20th.

PLEASE get pre-orders in by this Sunday night.

Just a note, if you have subscribed to receive emails from this webpage, please do not hit reply to make your order, please order by clicking this link: dawsonvalleyfr@bigpond.com And if you have subscribed and you also receive an email from me direct, please reply to that one and tell me to take you off my email list.

We are having a few supply issues again with pigs, as some of you will have noticed last week. This weekend we should have plenty of bacon again and hopefully more roasts, loin chops and belly roasts! We will also have some more delicious "organically" farmed beef and goat - all grass fed and grass finished! Please remember that we are not certified organic with our meat, but we farm the animals without the use of chemicals etc. The pigs are fed non-organic grain, however because we mix it ourselves, we ensure there is no GMO's and other nasties.

Dawson Valley Free Range is the only local farmer with locally produced meat, that attends these markets in CQ. We are very grateful for the support we receive at these markets and if you are ever dis-satisfied, please don't hesitate to let us know........

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Markets in March

The year is just flying past.....I have so much I need to do and so little time to do it! It's market time again this weekend, so if you are in Yeppoon or Rockhampton, come along on Saturday or Sunday respectively and get some of our meat.

We will have the usual Beef and Goat, but limited cuts of pork. Our pig numbers were down a little bit so for this market we will have plenty of bacon, but no loin chops, belly roasts, butterfly steaks or spare ribs. We will only have a little bit of ham, roasts, usa ribs (plenty), shanks (who's tried these?), mince and diced.

Next market, which is scheduled for the 19th and 20th of March, we will have plenty of pork available again (they've grown a little bit more!) Also, a reminder for GLADSTONE customers - please get your orders in as soon as possible, as your delivery is on that same weekend. I only have one order so far, and so I will need a lot more if I'm to go down there. I would love it by Sunday if possible, as that will make it easier for me to work out how many pigs I will need to take to the butcher next week.

Good News!!! Blue Truffle is now using our ham, so please go along and support them (and us). I think it's really exciting to see a local establishment using local meat - even more so because it's our local meat! They are also one of the best places to eat in Rockhampton, so even more reason to go along and support them!

Remember by supporting us, you are helping to support a local food economy as well as supporting ethically raised and sustainably farmed meat. I'll finish this post off with some pictures taken recently - the pigs are loving the green grass!
Weaners out in the paddock

a fairly new mum sitting up to have a chat with me

the Dry sows at feed time.